Online Store

RadZen DicomArk

Price: $990.00

Product Description

RadZen DicomArk is a low-cost DICOM backup solution that is deployed as a Docker container. This allows it to be deployed directly onto a NAS, the cloud or an in-house server.

DICOM objects can be sent to DicomARK to be retrieved later.

A web-based interface allows for easy configuration and management.

Easy-to-Use Console

Check on the status of the DicomARK at a glance. Quickly and easily manage the configuration of the components in one place.

Retrieve Studies Quickly

Easily search for studies and retrieve them as a download or by sending them to another DICOM device.

Cloud Storage Ready

Objects are stored locally by default, but can be configured to stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. This is ideal if DicomArk is deployed on Amazon AWS.

Amazon S3 buckets have unlimited storage which makes it ideal for backup storage.

Configure Storage Policies to Your Needs

Storage policies can be configured to keep images for a defined period of time, storage space permitting.

Role-based Access

Secure your data and prevent users from accidentally changing the configuration of DicomARK.



  • Requires a Docker host - Docker can be downloaded and installed on Windows, Linux and iOS operating systems. Refer to the Docker documentation for details and installation instructions on CE and EE editions.
  • Compatible with NAS devices that support Docker containers.
  • Only AMD64 and ARM32 platforms are supported.

DICOM Conformance


  • Installation Guide (PDF)
  • Docker image for AMD64 platforms :

  • Docker image for ARM32 platforms:



License Delivery

  1. Install the product first. This will generate a License ID which we will require in order to issue your license.
  2. We will contact you at the email address entered at checkout to request for your License ID.
  3. A license key will be sent to you when we have received your License ID.

Please allow up to 3 business days for your order to be processed.